EXPERTise 2.0 - online diagnostic tool for assessing performance and developing personalised training
Driving a competent and capable workforce
EXPERTise 2.0 is an innovative online tool, that quickly assesses and establishes the technical capability of people performing high consequence roles across the energy industry.
A product of a decade of University research and industry trials, EXPERTise targets specific operational contexts and comparing performance of technical capabilities against a representative database, EXPERTise provides evidence-based, reportable outcomes that informs training effectiveness, upskilling programs, organisational baselines, team selection, and ensures equitable recruitment decisions.
How does it work?
Our approach is to assess "markers" of technical skill using a series of carefully curated scenarios that combine to build a profile. These markers include the capability to:
Recognise task-related conditions
Associate different task-related conditions
Prioritise information acquisition to explain task-related conditions
Identify task-related conditions
Discriminate relevant from non-relevant issues in responding to task-related conditions.
EXPERTise uses a database of de-identified real-world performance from experienced practicioners (for a defined role) that establishes a baseline against which to assess individuals. This provides an evidence-based evaluation of a candidate’s performance. As the database is constantly updating its benchmarks, it retains accurate markers for contemporary use.
How do we Deploy It?
Relyon Australia offers 3 main uses of EXPERTise:
Training Delivery: In pre- and post-course evaluations to enable targeted training and evaluation of training outcomes beyond the standard compliance assessments. When combined with Relyon Australia’s online Adaptive Learning capabilities and our industry experienced trainers, EXPERTise enables an unparalleled ability to assess and then achieve skills mastery.
Consulting Services: As part of Relyon Australia consulting services, we can work with client organisations so that they can benchmark their performance both internally and in comparison with the broader industry data. New EXPERTise Editions can be created to meet industry needs.
Recruitment and Selection: Relyon Australia can provide access to EXPERTise as an additional tool to assist in evaluating and selecting both experienced and inexperienced candidates.
How is it used?
We are deploying EXPERTise as an online diagnostic tool. Candidates access the platform and follow the prompts to complete a series of evaluations and tasks. Each evaluation has been developed and tested by industry to ensure realistic and relevant scenarios.
EXPERTise develops a report of individual performance against the tasks. This involves detailed text reports that augment graphs describing the performance of the candidate. These comprehensive reports based on established 'norms', provide insights into an individual's expected expertise level given their experience.